July 11, 2013
The Oak Ridge Heritage and Preservation Association's July membership and public meeting will be held on Thursday, July 11, 2013, at 7:00 PM in the Midtown Community Center at 102 Robertsville Road at the corner of Robertsville Road and the Oak Ridge Turnpike.
Please plan to join us for an update on the status of the Guest House/Alexander Inn renovation project by Rick Dover, General Manager of the Family Pride Corporation and guest of Knox Heritage's Ethiel Garlington, Director of Preservation Field Services for the East Tennessee Preservation Alliance. Ethiel will also provide a summary of the ETPA Endangered List of those places in East Tennessee that are identified as the top structures of concern in each county for historical preservation.
As you have noticed if you have driven past the site, the Guest House is being stabilized as a result of the Department of Energy's $500K grant for that purpose. Ethiel and Rick will bring us up to date on the specific plans and projected dates for the next steps in the renovation of the historic Guest House.
Rick has requested photographs of the Guest House so he can gain as much information as possible about the original appearance of the structure. If you have photographs of the Guest House during the early years, please bring them to the meeting.
It is Rick's stated intent to return the original exterior appearance of the Guest House as nearly as possible. As he has done this type of work before he fully understands the requirements for historic preservation standards of the Department of the Interior. The Guest House will add immeasurably to the historic Townsite/Jackson Square.
MAY 9, 2013
Lee Curtis
Lee Curtis was the speaker at the Oak Ridge Heritage and Preservation Association’s membership and public meeting at 7:00 PM on Thursday, May 9, 2013, at the Midtown Community Center’s Wildcat Den at 102 Robertsville Road. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Lee has been in State Government for 35 years and in the Department of Tourist Development since 1990. As the Director of Program Development, with her extensive background in cultural and heritage tourism, heading up the first heritage division in the department, Lee’s responsibilities include overseeing and developing the Tennessee Civil War Trails program and serving as the department’s Heritage Tourism contact. She works with counties and communities statewide to assist them with the department’s programs and initiatives. As a board member of the Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission, and the department’s strong role with the Sesquicentennial, she helps plan and launch the Tennessee Sesquicentennial Signature Events and other projects including getting community involvement in programs related to Civil War and Heritage. In addition, she represents the department on several national and statewide organizations. Lee is a member of the Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission which was created to lead the state's efforts in commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. Former Governor Phil Bredesen appointed the 24 members of the Commission including Civil War scholars, professors, state historian, state legislators, and tourism professionals. The goal of the
Commission is to educate the public, promote the commemoration, and preserve
the lands and legacies of the Civil War, by engaging individuals and
communities in an accurate and inclusive portrayal of Tennessee's
contributions to the Civil War. During the multi-year commemoration, the
Commission's goal is to bring about an understanding of the past to improve
relations in the present and leave a lasting legacy for the future.
APRIL 11, 2013
The Last Eight Days of World War II: What Really Ended the War - Bill Wilcox, Oak Ridge City Historian
SPECIAL EVENT: An Evening with PRESIDENT TRUMAN's GRANDSON - Clifton Truman Daniel
Clifton Truman Daniel spoke at the New Hope Center (602 Scarboro Road, Oak Ridge, TN.) on Thursday, March 28, 2013.
Tickets were $20 and could be purchased (beginning Monday, February 18) online by clicking the underlined link that follows: Purchase tickets online to Clifton Truman Daniel event (online purchased tickets were available for pick up at the door).
Tickets were also available to be purchased at The Ferrell Shop at 235 Jackson Square (beginning Monday, February 25).
The approximately 140 people who attended the event heard President Truman's grandson, Clifton Truman Daniel, tell about his life including his memories of his famous grandfather, his impressions of how President Truman felt regarding his decision to use the Atomic bomb to end World War II and what his life has been like living in the shadow of all that comes with being President Harry S. Truman's grandson!
FEATURE PRESENTATION: 7:00 PM at the New Hope Center in the Zach Wamp Auditorium
RECEPTION: Following the Feature Presentation in the New Hope Center lobby (personally met President Truman's grandson, Clifton Truman Daniel!)
This event was highly successful! To view photos of the evening, go to: Photos of Clifton Truman Daniel event on 3-28-13
NOTE: Presentation visuals available from previous meetings may be viewed online at the "Meetings" page.
A 90th BIRTHDAY celebration planned for Bill Wilcox on Friday, January 25, at 3 - 5 PM, at the American Museum of Science and Energy HAS BEEN POSTPONED. The event will be rescheduled and plan to help us celebrate.
NOTICE: There is no membership meeting in February, enjoy Valentines day with family and/or friends.
Denise Kiernan's book, "The Girls of Secret City" has just hit the New York Times Bestseller List at #33!!!
Some additional information can be found at the following web sites:
- From July 2012, an announcement of his selection for the Oak Ridge manager
December 13, 2012
Annual Meeting and Election of 2013 ORHPA Officers.
The Oak Ridge Heritage and Preservation Association helt its annual elections on
Thursday, December 13, 2012 at 6 PM.
The ORHPA nominating committee, chaired by Bill Wilcox with members Donna Bennett, Gordon Fee, Rick Lusk, and Ray Smith, recommended 10 candidates for election to the Board.
The candidates include: Donna Bennett, Wendy Bishop, Ellen Boatner, David Bradshaw, Mike Bradshaw, Don Forester, Tim Gawne, Rick Lusk, Bobbie Martin, and D. Ray Smith.
Five other Board members will continue to serve out their elected terms. Continuing on the Board will be: Margaret Allard, Betty Stokes, Mick Wiest, Amy Seiber, and Tara Voit.
A Pot-Luck dinner was held as well as the election.
November 8, 2012
William Cramer, Program Services Coordinator, American Red Cross
“Historically Speaking – Oak Ridge and The Red Cross”
William Cramer was born in Richland, Washington, and his family moved to Anderson County, Tennessee, when he was six months old. He attended Oak Ridge Schools from pre-school (Chapel On The Hill) through elementary school (Glenwood), middle school (Jefferson) and high school (ORHS) where he graduated in 2007.
William attends the University of Tennessee – Knoxville and is still working on finishing his degree in Business. William has worked with the Red Cross since 2009 starting out as an Administrative Assistant (May 2009 through September 2011), then working as Health and Safety Services Coordinator (October 2011 through July 2012), and his current title is Program Services Coordinator.
William has held this title since August 2012. He currently lives in Oak Ridge and has since April 2012.
October 11, 2012
Barbara Stagg presented a program on Historic Rugby, the restored utopian settlement that survives today to commemorate a spectatular social experiment. The below two paragraphs and photo are taken from the Rugby web site:
Time stands still at Rugby, Tennessee - the restored Victorian village founded in 1880 by British author and social reformer, Thomas Hughes. It was to be a cooperative, class-free, agricultural community for younger sons of English gentry and others wishing to start life anew in America. At its peak in the mid-1880s, some 300 people lived in the colony. More than 65 buildings of Victorian design graced the townscape on East Tennessee's beautiful Cumberland Plateau.
This would-be Utopia survives today as both a living community and a fascinating public historic site, unspoiled by modern development. Twenty original buildings still stand, nestled between the Big South Fork National Recreation Area and the Rugby State Natural Area, surrounded by rugged river gorges and historic trails. Historic Rugby has been open to the public since 1966 and is nationally recognized by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and many others as one of the most authentically restored and preserved communities in America.
Barbara's talk featured a DVD: Rugby, Tennessee: The Power of a Dream
She followed up with Q & A and handouts.
Barbara Stagg served as Executive Director of Historic Rugby from 1977-2009. She still lives in Rugby in 1886 Roslyn, one of the original homes. Barbara was born in St. Louis, but moved to Deer Lodge, Tennessee, near Rugby, at age 7 and has been a Tennessee "native" since.
September 13, 2012
7:00 PM on Thursday, 9/13/12, Jim Campbell presented a preview of his
portion of the: Secret
City in the Tennessee Hills: From Dogpatch to Nuclear Power - A
Symposium at the National Archives at Atlanta.
A native of Maryville now living in Oak Ridge, Campbell received his bachelor's and master's degrees in history from Maryville College and the University of Oregon. He worked for The Oak Ridger as editor from 1988-1994, assuming his present position with ETEC in 1995.
Jim has been interested in the history of the birth of the city of Oak Ridge for a number of years. He has developed a particularly strong interest in the individuals who influenced our city in its early years. He has researched the history of Waldo Cohn, Alvin Weinberg, Don Trauger, Eugene Joyce and others.
At the ORHPA meeting Jim brought to life these influential individuals by revealing the interesting details of their contributions to our city's history. Additionally he gave the audience a brief glimpse into the presentation he planned to deliver to the Secret City in the Tennessee Hills: From Dogpatch to Nuclear Power symposium being presented at the National Archives in Atlanta.
SECOND: The Historic Properties Committee of the ORHPA has recently visited several early Oak Ridge buildings as they prepare to select this years winner of the ORHPA Historic Preservation Award. Mick Wiest, committee chair, discussed the selection process and announced the winner of this year's award during the ORHPA monthly meeting on Thursday, September 13. Past award winners were also described as part of the presentation.
The purpose of the preservation award is to
honor Oak Ridge's unique history, and to recognize property owners and managers
that have done a good job of maintaining the historic integrity of their
structure. The actual presentation of the award to the
property owner occured on Oak Ridge's birthday, September 19th.
August 9, 2012
Steve Bennett
A native of Knoxville,
Bennett received his bachelor degree in Forestry and minor in Wildlife
Management from the University of Tennessee. He has worked for TWRA 36
years starting as biologist assistant relocating ruffed grouse in
Tennessee. Steve worked in law enforcement and wildlife management as a
Wildlife Officer in Union county and was the Wildlife Officer Supervisor over
several East Tennessee counties. In addition to elk, he also has been
involved in the restoration of ruffed grouse, whitetail deer, wild turkey
and river otter.
When elk restoration
began in 2000, Steve was selected to be the program coordinator responsible for
importing elk and building a self-sustaining herd in Tennessee. Fifty elk
were captured at Elk Island National Park in Alberta, Canada and released in
the North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area. That effort is continuing
today. Five releases have taken place with 201 elk being released.
A black bear survey also is under way in and around the Big South Fork National River Recreation Area. Since the 1970’s, the number of bears significantly has increased in Tennessee. Prior to 1980, the annual harvest in the state was usually less than 20 bears. Today, the picture could not be more astounding. Since 2004, Tennessee’s annual bear harvest has exceeded 300 animals. In 2009, a harvest of 571 bears in Tennessee set a new state record.
July 12, 2012
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June 14, 2012
NO Meeting - Seciret City Festival
May 10, 2012
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April 12, 2012
"Yak" and "Stitch"
Barbara "Stitch" was born in Oak Ridge and is the daughter of Ruth and the late John Reeve. She is a Veterinarian and owner of Jackson Square Animal Clinic here in Oak Ridge.
Paul "Yak" was also born and raised in Oak Ridge, son of Jane and Lawrence Akers who currently live in Chattanooga. Paul is a retired machinist having retired from Y-12 last Feb, one month before their AT hike began in March.
They consider their hike from Georgia to Maine a Wander of Wonders with the ultimate goal of completing the AT in one season to become "thru-hikers".
The trip was 2,181 miles and took them 6 &1/2 months, proving that everywhere is walking distance if you have enough time.
Come and experience their thru hike in photos at the Oak Ridge Heritage and Preservation's Midtown Community Center at 7:00 PM on April 12, 2012. You will be glad you did. Not only is their hiking experience enviable, their photographs of wildflowers will make you envy them thier time and patience.
March 9, 2012
The Oak Ridge Public Library brings books and history to the cyber world
Susan stooksbury, assistant director of the Oak Ridge Public Library, will be the featured speaker this Thursday, March 8, at the Oak Ridge Heritage & Preservation Association (ORHPA) monthly meeting. She will discuss the library's new service, downloadable eBooks and Audiobooks. Stooksbury will demonstrate new features of the library's web page and how to navigate around the digital media page. The meeting will begain at 7 p.m. at the Midtown Community Center, also known as the AWildcat Den, located at 102 Robertsville Road.
Stuooksbury will also include updates on teh Oak Ridge Room and the continuing oral history projects at the library. The Oak Ridge Heritage & Preservation Association and the local chapter of the American Association of University Women each have undertaken orah history projects, as well as the city's oral history project. Each of thes project's interview tapes are available for listening in the Oak Ridge Room. These tapes offer a wealth of information about life in this area nda are a valuable part of the library's historical collection.
Susan Stooksbury came to Oak Ridge in 1955 as a child with her family. In addition to being the library’s assistant director, she writes the Reader’s Guide column, which appears weekly in the Oak Ridger. Stooksbury and her husband have five Golden Retrievers, all adopted from Heartland Golden Retriever Rescue of which she is a founding member. She also works with HABIT (Human and Animal Bond in Tennessee), a program established at the University of Tennessee Veterinary school that certifies volunteers to take their dogs to nursing homes, assisted living facilities and schools.
ORHPA is a non-profit organization formed for the purposes of preventing further demolition of our historic structures and the loss of our unique history. The mission of ORHPA is to preserve Oak Ridge's history and its built environment and develop economic, education, and cultural resources for the benefit of present and future generations. For more information, please call 865- 481-0542 or visit www.ORHPA.com.
February 9, 2012
A National Park in Oak Ridge?
Come hear the latest about the coming-closer Manhattan Project National Historical Park from the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Operation’s local "point person" to the National Park Service and others working on the national park legislation and eventual implementation. Colin D. Colversonis an attorney in the DOE-ORO's Office of the Chief Counsel where in addition to serving DOE as their Champion on the Park, focuses on environmental, real estate, safety and health, and cultural resource issues.
His undergraduate work was completed at the University of Florida in environmental policy. After several years in that field he earned his Law degree from the University of South Carolina. He moved to Oak Ridge in 2009 where he recently purchased an original Cemestos "B" house.
This is an unusual chance to hear someone address questions about the potential national park that is right up to date on where things stand on this important possibility. Plan to be there. Hear someone who knows better than most of us the challenges that we face to preserve and “show and tell” our very unique heritage for the benefit of our City’s Heritage Tourism. His talk is titled A National Park in Oak Ridge? The Possibility of a Manhattan Project National Historical Park and the Potential Outcomes for Oak Ridge.
Do come and bring a friend to hear Atty. Colverson next Thursday night at 7 PM, February 9th, in the Wildcat Den of the Midtown Community Center/ORHPA Building, Oak Ridge Turnpike at Robertsville Road. The public is most welcome.
November 10, 2011
Jackson Square: A piece of the Bigger Picture
Kathryn Baldwin, Oak Ridge City Community Development Director, has more than 25 years
of experience in community planning. She oversees both the code and planning
divisions within the Community Development Department. Kathryn has served as
the Chair of the Local Government Planning Advisory Committee for eight years
and also heads the Knoxville chapter of the American Planning Association
(APA). She has many years of dedicated service to the planning community
through her leadership roles in the Tennessee Chapter of the American Planning
Ms. Baldwin received her undergraduate degree in Geography in 1978 and a M.A. in Geography
in 1985 from East TN State University.
Her presentation to the Oak Ridge Heritage and Preservation Association will focus
on broad based redevelopment in the Jackson Square District, from Roane State
to Broadway Avenue. Revitalization of Jackson Square is expected to improve the connectivity of the Square
to the larger Oak Ridge Historic District, increase mobility and provide better
access to local small businesses and cultural activities.
Enhancements to Jackson Square will benefit the community, but also commuters who are
employed by major employers in the area, such as Methodist Medical Center,
Bectel Jacobs, Appalachian Underwriters, and Roane State.
Ms. Baldwin’s presentation will be held in the Midtown Community Center at 102 Robertsville
Road at 7:00 PM on Thursday, November 10, 2011.
The public is encouraged to attend and learn more about the short term
and long range plans for Oak Ridge’s original townsite, Jackson Square, and the
area surrounding this historic site.
October 13, 2011
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September 8, 2011
We had a special three part event scheduled.
At 5:00 PM we participated in the dedication of the four new plaques commemorating the "Birth of Our City." The ceremony was held at the Oak Ridge City Municipal Building near the north entrance.
Secondly, we attended a reception at 6:00 PM and the dedication of the conference center at East Tennessee Technology Park's Heritage Center. John Echenberg, of DOE ORO, dedicated the conference center at 6:30 PM.
Finally, we held our normal monthly meeting at the conference center at 7:00 PM. Our speaker at the regular monthly meeting was Patrick McIntyre. McIntyre became the executive director of the Tennessee Historical Commission (THC) in 2007. He also serves as the State Historic Preservation Officer. As director for the Commission, he oversees a nearly $3 million dollar budget for the state agency responsible for the preservation and interpretation of Tennessee’s historical and cultural heritage. He last spoke to our organization nine years ago.
McIntyre discussed the Tennessee Historical Commission and noted the numerous historic artifacts that are the responsibility of the commission to track. He also pointed out the few National Landmark sites and encouraged consideration of others.
Our speaker on July 14, 2011, was Bill Wilcox, Oak Ridge City Historian and retired Technical Director of Y-12 and K-25.
Over the past few years, the Guest House / Alexander Inn has received a lot of press, a lot of interest, and a lot of questions. On Thursday, July 14, City Historian Bill Wilcox presented a talk during the Oak Ridge Heritage & Preservation monthly meeting and discussed why Oak Ridge needs to save this historic site.
Wilcox gave insights into the history of the Guest House / Alexander Inn, and cited reasons why it is among the most significant historical artifacts in Oak Ridge’s history. Attendees learned why the building is a keystone element in interpreting the Secret City’s Manhattan Project history as a part of the proposed Manhattan Project National Historical Park, which will be located in Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, NM, and Hanford, WA.
According to Wilcox, “This is one of our historic City's now rare relics from our Manhattan Project founding days that could be turned from an eyesore to both an appealing tourism destination and a key part of a rejuvenated larger area of our City.”
Attendees were encouraged to contribute their own ideas and to join in the effort to save this icon of Oak Ridge history.
Manhattan Project National Historic Park
UPDATE (7/18/11): The Manhattan Project National Historical Park Study was submitted to congress on 7/13/11 by Ken Salazar, Department of Interior. This is a major step. Next will be the legislation needed to form the park. Following that a "management study" will be performed by the National Park Service.
Here is a link to the full press release: http://www.doi.gov/news/pressreleases/Salazar-Seeks-to-Commemorate-Manhattan-Project-through-New-National-Historical-Park.cfm
Previous update: The Department of Energy has signed a letter of concurrence with the National Park Service's study! This is good news and moves us one step closer to having a Manhattan Project National Historical Park with locations in Oak Ridge, TN, Los Alamos, NM, and Hanford, WA.
The National Park Service has completed a Special Resource Study on the feasibility of forming a Manhattan Project National Historical Park.
The full study document (DRAFT Environmental Assessment) can be viewed here: Full National Park Service DRAFT Special Resource Study Document
Other National Park Service Study related links: Oak Ridger article by Bill Wilcox; Oak Ridger article by Ray Smith; Atomic Heritage Foundation links; Manhattan Project Sites DRAFT Special Resource Study/Environmental Assessment web site 5 and X-10 Clinton Engineer Works project sites in 1943 - 1945 culminating in the winning of the greatest war the world has ever known.
The city of Oak Ridge has a unique history and the ORHPA is proud to be a key element in its preservation. Heritage Tourism in Oak Ridge is growing in stature and importance. We ner inual Secret City Festival and other heritage events.
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