About Us
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Our goal is to enjoy, study, advance, and promote the art and science of photography. We learn from educational programs, workshops, short courses, critiques of our own photos and from each other. We advance our craft by studying and creatively seeking new expressions of our art.

We promote photography as an art by striving for excellence through our Annual Juried Salon and public outreach. We enjoy creating and presenting beauty to the observer in fellowship with each other.

You are invited to join with us in the enjoyment of this endless quest. This sharing can be enjoyable and beneficial whatever your level of photographic expertise. The greatest photographers were all, at one point in their career, at exactly the skill level you are today.

We meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month (excluding July, August and November) at 7:30 PM at the Roane State Community College Oak Ridge Campus.

Join Us.


©2009 Oak Ridge Camera Club, All Rights Reserved