Jack Case
The long time Y-12 Plant Manager and namesake for the Y-12 Jack Case Center at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

The Jack Case Center


Table of Contents


Published in The Oak Ridger
Y12 Contributions

Published in The Oak Ridge Observer
History 1
History 2
History 3
History 4
History 5
History 6
History 7

Published in Y-Source
Y12 Foundation
Jack Case to OR
Working up
Jack Case Mgt Sys 1
Jack Case Mgt Sys 2
Cold War
Employee Stories 1
Employee Stories 2
Employee Stories 3
Employee Stories 4
Employee Stories 5
Jack Case 1964
John Gordon

Back to INDEX page

Jack Case: A man of few words (05/30/2006)

By D. Ray Smith — As often happens when we run a Jack Case history article, it reminds others at Y 12 of their interactions with him. Ron Ragland of Financial Management shares his memories.

“Jack was well respected by the design laboratories, and I would be on a team making visits with him to the laboratories where Jack would be asked to comment on the ability of Y 12 to fabricate a certain design. The answer by Jack was always positive, and Y 12 always performed when the order hit the plant. The reputation of Y 12 as a 'can do' organization grew under Case’s leadership.

“One of my most vivid memories was when I was the financial division manager for Y 12. I had only been in the job for approximately 2 months when it was time to prepare the budget. When the information was compiled, the staff said that Case had to approve the manpower numbers, and I went to Case’s office with the spreadsheet containing the manpower levels by each division. Case studied the spreadsheet for a few minutes, looked up at me and said 'too high' and pushed the spreadsheet across the table to me. I said 'thank you' and left the office.

“Walking back to my office I wondered how I should deal with the issue. I got a car and made a visit to each of the major operating divisions and said to the division director, 'Mr. Case says the manpower numbers are too high, you need to rework,' and left the office.

“In two days time, the numbers were lowered, I revisited Case for approval. Case said the manpower numbers now look 'OK.' Jack Case was a man of few words, but he had the sense of the plant facilities and its people and had the respect of everyone.

Ron Ragland is an example of a long-time manager who recalls fondly the earlier days and continues to appreciate the present missions of Y 12, as well as anticipating the future.


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