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Published in The Oak Ridger
Published in The Oak Ridge Observer
Published in Y-Source
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Jack Case – Letters from friends
This fifth installment in the history of Jack Case - namesake for the Jack Case Center - will focus on letters received at his retirement from people across the nation who respected Jack Case and what he had accomplished at the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
This first letter is from Pat Fourney, a fellow Carbide manager, and is written on personal stationary.
Dear Jack,
In my forty-plus years with Carbide, I have not attended any other retirement party where so many people from so many walks of life were gathered together to honor the retiree. There were, in addition to the top brass, an awful lot of hourly people, union representatives, and retirees from all payrolls at your party. I know you were pleased to see that B. W. Hensley had come in from Washington, that Tally Livingston had come in from Atlanta, and that many others had traveled a long way to let you know how they felt about you.
Over the years, you’ve had the common touch and have let all those with whom you did business know that you were concerned about their problems as well as your own.
I have enjoyed very much working with you during the period I have been in Oak Ridge and join with your many other friends in wishing you success and happiness during your retirement years.
A second letter is from William W. Hoover, a Major General in the US Air Force.
Dear Jack,
I am sorry that a very heavy travel schedule in January precluded me from contacting you personally prior to your retirement. I certainly want to let you know of the great appreciation I have for the devoted service and professional management which you have demonstrated as the Plant Manager of Y-12. Your personal commitment to getting the job done under what has frequently been less than ideal conditions has contributed greatly to our overall mission success and has been particularly beneficial in the development of a close and harmonious working relationship between Union Carbide and the Department.
All of the members of the Office of Military Application join me in wishing you the very best in health, prosperity, and happiness in your retirement. It is certainly no more than you deserve.
William W. Hoover,
Major General, USAF
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Appllication
A third letter is from Hershel Hickman, Assistant Manager for Defense Programs at DOE Oak Ridge Operations.
Dear Jack:
Congratulations on your forthcoming retirement following a long and distinguished carrer.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your many contributions to DOE programs, and in particular, to the weapons program. Your outstanding leadership and management ability will certainly be missed. It has been a pleasure working with you, and your cooperation andsupport have made my job easier.
I join your many friends in wishing you the best of health, happiness, and success in your future endeavors.
H. D. Hickman, Assistant Manager for Defense Programs
A fourth letter is from Robert L. Vaughn of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Dear Mr. Case:
Best wishes on your retirement, and let me add that your work and support on programs of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers is well known. I would llike to express my appreciation for your 25 years as a member of SME, your active work in membership recruitment and retention, your expertise in developing technical conferences and clinics, and your role for many years as a leader at the cutting edge of manufacturing.
The strong friendship between Union Carbide and SME is, in great measure, dure to your efforts.
Again, congratulations on your retirement and best wishes for the future.
Robert L. Vaughn
A final letter is from Donald M. Kerr, Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Dear Jack:
On behalf of my staff and myself, I’d like to extend my very best wishes on the occasion of your retirement. Your contributions since 1944 have significantly enhanced our national security.
The relationship between the Laboratory and Y-12 has been all the more pleasant and productive as a direct result of your leadership and friendship. I wish you every happiness and good health, Jack, and may those wells you’re drilling produce bountifully.
Best regards,
Donald M. Kerr, Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The next article will highlight something known as the JCMS (Jack Case Management System).
Ray Smith
12/29/05 |