Jack Case
The long time Y-12 Plant Manager and namesake for the Y-12 Jack Case Center at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

The Jack Case Center


Table of Contents


Published in The Oak Ridger
Y12 Contributions

Published in The Oak Ridge Observer
History 1
History 2
History 3
History 4
History 5
History 6
History 7

Published in Y-Source
Y12 Foundation
Jack Case to OR
Working up
Jack Case Mgt Sys 1
Jack Case Mgt Sys 2
Cold War
Employee Stories 1
Employee Stories 2
Employee Stories 3
Employee Stories 4
Employee Stories 5
Jack Case 1964
John Gordon

Back to INDEX page

Jack Case: Don't tell anyone where you got this (08/07/2006)

By D. Ray Smith — Ward Marsh, a long time Y 12 manager, knew Jack Case and recalls fondly the relationship he saw between Case and one of his loyal managers, John W. (Bill) Ebert, who managed the Maintenance Division for many years. Ward describes his first encounter with Jack Case:

"When I had worked at Y 12 only a couple of years in the late 1960's, I got a call from the Maintenance division secretary telling me to be at the Plant Manager's office at a certain time. I asked, 'Should I know what this meeting is about?' She said, 'No, just be there on time.'

"I arrived a bit early and was seated ouside Mr. Case's office. After a bit of a wait, I was told to go on in. When I arrived Mr. Case was seated at his deak. He did not ask me to be seated but rather reached into his desk drawer and pulled out an envelope, which he extended to me. His comment to me in the low gravely voice was, 'Son, don't you tell anyone where you got this or how much it is.'

"Nothing else was said except my 'Yes, Sir,' and I left his office. I did not even know there was an incentive program at the time and I surely did not expect to get such recognition from the plant manager.

Marsh's memory of the personal attention paid him by Case has stayed with him all these years, and I dare say it has continued to impress on him the importance placed on his work by a Y 12 plant manager. Over the years Marsh has managed many different organization at Y 12 and for a few years managed an Energy Systems-wide maintenance program office. On occasion he has been able to provide recognition to others, and I am sure he has found this personally satisfying.

Case's tradition of rewarding individuals and teams at Y 12 continues to be a part of our overall management strategy. Throughout the years there have been Awards of Excellence, Awards Night, Special Incentive Awards, Special Recognition Awards, Short-Term Incentive Awards and many other recognition programs. All have a positive effect on those recognized for their special contributions.

However, I doubt that any of them that Marsh has received carry more meaning than that one brief visit to Case's office where an experienced and successful leader took the time to impress a young engineer by personally handing him a check and telling him, "Son, don't you tell anyone where you got this or how much it is."

Do you have a story to share? If so, email Ray Smith or call him at 576 7781.




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